What the media won’t show you regarding the Covington Catholic students

I don’t get it. Where’s the supposed “racism” and “bigotry” and “harassment”? This is another non-story for which the lamestream media is trying to manufacture outrage. The New York Times has the lamestream media version of events here, but here’s some more info that they would not dare show you:

Here’s strong evidence that the Native American activist started the confrontation, not the Catholic students:

And here’s some taunting of the students by what looks like members of a white-hating nut job group called the Black Hebrew Israelites:

All in all, it appears to me that many people in this country just can’t stand the sight of a group of young men in MAGA hats. Even I’ve been harassed while wearing one before. But when the lamestream media constantly berates Trump and his base, it’s no surprise that people virtue signal about their “outrage” over “such a despicable act of hatred and intolerance,” even if there is no hatred and intolerance present.

Again, where’s the cultural and societal reset button?

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