Mike Cernovich’s new documentary

I’m looking forward to watching Hoaxed, Mike Cernovich’s latest documentary. Reviewers have loved it, and it sounds like Cernovich has really outdone himself. Quite the cast as well: Scott Adams, Stefan Molyneux, James O’Keefe, Jordan Peterson, Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci, Ryan Holiday, and many others.

One of Roger Stone’s rules is “work it from every angle.” It’s best to utilize as many mediums as you can to get your message out to the world: posting on Facebook, Twitter, and Gab; producing podcasts, YouTube videos, and documentaries; going on television; writing books, blog posts, and articles; and so on. Cernovich is one of the best at following this rule.

Go here to watch Hoaxed. Trailer is below:

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