What is #ObamaGate?

As of this writing, #ObamaGate is trending on Twitter with over 219,000 tweets (UPDATE: it’s now in the millions).

So what’s this all about?

It comes on the heels of General Flynn’s criminal case being tossed out and, more specifically, this clip from last night’s episode of Watters’ World (it’s eight minutes long but feel free to jump to the seven minute mark for the most important info):

And here is a corresponding Washington Examiner article. Excerpt:

Fox News host Jesse Watters said sources are telling him Attorney General William Barr has received “smoking gun” documents that will cast aspersions on the Russia investigation.

In his opening monologue on Watters’ World, which was taped Friday but aired Saturday evening, the host said these records could reveal that former President Barack Obama had a significant role in the investigation into the Trump 2016 campaign’s ties to Russia, which President Trump and his allies have deemed a “witch hunt.”

“Sources are telling Watters’ World that Attorney General Bill Barr was just given a trove of smoking gun documents that could point directly at former President Barack Obama, revealing his powerful connection to ‘Spygate’ and the Russia hoax,” he said.

Watters appeared to be referring to the “satchel” of documents Fox News chief White House correspondent Ed Henry reported that acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell delivered to the Justice Department last week, following the release of House Intelligence Committee witness transcripts showing Obama administration officials admitting they had no direct evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.

Hmm, interesting…

Vox Day also pointed out this AP story about Obama calling Trump’s handling of coronavirus an “absolute chaotic disaster” and the dropping of the Flynn case a worrisome development that puts a “basic understanding of rule of law … at risk.”

You think maybe Obama’s starting to feel the heat?

P.S. Just as I was about to hit publish, this tweet came in from the president:

12 thoughts on “What is #ObamaGate?

  1. Trump is just firing up his idiot base, as per usual. Obama will face no charges and feel no “heat” from this, but Trump is going to try to handwave away his myriad faults by pointing fingers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, we will see about that! It’s about time the tables would turn. Trump is a business mogul, not a politician. He would’ve gone after Hilary Clinton if he knew he could get her. We all know she’s cricked as hell, but she’s done her job well and nobody can touch her (yet). She’ll make a mistake and be out soon. They all do. So, Trump did not go after Hilary, but if Trump came out and said that Obama is being investigated, you can bet your ass that Trump has got something significant on him. We will see how accurate your statement is. So far, the idiots have been the democrats.


      1. Just listen to these goddam imbecile Trump cultistst. “business mogul” isn’t how you spell “Con-man and career fraud”.. durr durr…Hillary! Hyuk! Obummer! Haw haw haw hawww… got me muh King Trump! He a zillionaire! MAGA! durr durr herp derp.. democrats! demoncraps! Haw haw duhhhhh


      2. You have no evidence to say that he’s a fraud. They’ve investigated the shit out of him and they couldn’t come up with anything! So, tell me that Trump is the idiot over here. You just can’t stand the fact that your people, the dems have lost and they will further loose. Trump did not do any investigations on the dems until now. Don’t hate Trump cause he’s good at what he’s doing. Hate yourself for being a disgusting human being.


      3. Over 80K deaths the economy in tatters and this is what King Incompetent, the Stable Genius is thinking about, we are nuts


    2. For over three years now I’ve been hearing about BOMBSHELL! QAnon! This week! Next week! Obummer’s going down!


      1. Lol, yeah, didn’t you know Facebook is the #1 source for all things fact? Derp De Derp Vince Foster Def Murdered By The Mean Lady Hillary!

        Orange Man Good! Even if Orange Man Pedophile!

        Epstein? What? Whose that?!


  2. After all the Trump investigations that turned up so much NOTHING that people (Dem’s in particular) would start to rethink the actions of those doing the investigating. While you may not like Trump as a person, he didn’t get where he is by being stupid. If he says there is more to come, I would imagine there are a lot of Democratic politicians and lackeys that are sweating right now. And if any of them have information that could hurt Hillary I suggest they find a cave to crawl in till the dust settles or they may be found in a park having shot themselves in the head and then drug themselves several hundred yard away like Vince Foster.


    1. The “Nothing” you refer to was summed up in the Mueller report as: Collusion: There is reasonable doubt, but we are out of time. Obstruction: Definitely, but it’s up to you whether or not to indict a sitting President.

      To the others to say that there’s no evidence that Trump is a fraud, I would like to point out that time he got dinged for Fraud with Trump University. Or, “The Art of the Deal” which describes his business strategy, which veers into Fraud territory. Even his biographers who admire the man admit that his business successes have often come about by lying his ass off.


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